What We Build


West Point Developers is a residential development and construction company, focused on delivering well-built, well designed homes.  Clean lines, thoughtful use of space, blending of traditional themes with on trend design concepts, and innovative products, all are core elements in our mission to deliver the dream of home.  


West Point Developers is constantly looking for innovations in the home building industry and always strives to be on the cutting edge while still maintaining our integrity, quality, and safety. Throughout each step of the home construction process, West Point Developer's customers can expect a full service experience. Our construction managers will be there throughout the process to ensure the home is being built to the highest quality with excellent vendors and materials while being completed safely and on time.  Our office staff works with our vendors and suppliers to make sure we are offering only the best products at the best value.  


One way West Point Developers prioritizes safety as an integral part of what we do is by utilizing our sister company, Forward Thinking Solutions, to install WallWalkers and SafetyRails on every home we build. "WallWalkers provide a safe work platform from tops of walls, roofs, windows, and other hard-to-reach places. It eliminates the need to construct wooden and non-engineered makeshift scaffolding or heavy steel alternatives that are not OSHA compliant." This was taken from the Forward Thinking Solutions website, which can be found here.